How can teachers keep students engaged in an online classroom? Learn more about how online teaching tools and strategies can promote better digital learning.
The edutainment definition is educational entertainment with the goal of making learning enjoyable. Discover what edutainment is and how teachers use it.
Millions of students and educators in the US grapple with disparities in their schools on a daily basis. The harsh reality is some schools have the benefit of quality buildings and facilities, while others must make do with leaking ceilings and makeshift gymnasiums.
What is the role of a special education advocate? Explore how special education advocates empower families and help them get the support their children need.
Students in US schools are increasingly diverse. Learn more about teaching strategies that address culturally and linguistically diverse students.
The history of classroom segregation in the US reflects the nation's continuing legacy of racism and systemic racial inequality.
How can educators combat LGBTQ cyberbullying? Explore how American Universityās School of Education online programs can help educators become informed leaders.
How long does it take to write an education dissertation? Learn about the dissertation process and explore tips for writing a successful education dissertation.
Explore how American Universityās Master of Arts in Teaching can help you develop effective parent-teacher communication skills and pursue a teaching career.
School funding issues are linked to decreased student achievement. Explore the impacts of inequity on student outcomes and learn more about changing this trend.
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