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Incorporating Social Justice Childrenā€™s Books Into Curricula

April 7, 2022

Children as young as three are capable of applying stereotypes and biases; preschoolers can gender-classify activities, as well as use racist language intentionally. These and other examples of how early children internalize outside messaging highlight the importance of discussing prejudice, bias, and race with children starting at a young age.

Social justice childrenā€™s books can play a vital role in opening up critical discussions about bias and discrimination. American Universityā€™s Master of Arts in Teaching prepares educators to create culturally responsive pedagogy that incorporates carefully selected childrenā€™s books, nurtures studentsā€™ sense of fairness, and combats racism.

The Value of Social Justice Childrenā€™s Books

Books people read as children can have tremendous sticking power. Their lessons about persistence, kindness, resilience, and compassion often resonate for a lifetime. For example, some people might remember how The Little Engine That Could cemented their earliest ideas about not giving up. Others might recollect how Where the Wild Things Are unleashed their imaginations.

Childrenā€™s books also serve as invaluable tools for educators seeking to cultivate awareness and stimulate critical thinking. Whether communicating attitudes about gender, race, disability, or religious identities or expressing ideas about diversity, childrenā€™s books have the power to shape mindsets. They can both influence how children understand power relationships between different groups of people and make lasting impressions about who deserves a voice.

The images and text in childrenā€™s books affect how children perceive themselves and others, teaching them who and what matters. Additionally, books can reinforce positive self-concepts and present messages that affirm values of equality while disrupting narratives that encourage bias and discrimination. They can also expand childrenā€™s understanding of and appreciation for others and the world around them.

How to Choose Books With Social Justice Themes

Educators who want to tap into the power of social justice childrenā€™s books should keep a few things in mind. First, teachers should consider a range of books that reflect many cultures and consider the histories of people across the US, especially those books written by people of color. Educators should also seek out literature that explores the distinctive traditions and varied experiences of diverse people from the past and present, as well as mindfully choose books with characters that look like their students and the people in their communities.

Seek Out Expertise

Reviews written by experts on the social justice issues a book addresses can lead teachers in the right direction during the selection process. By consulting reviews, teachers can gain useful information about topics such as:

  • Accuracy
  • Whether it uses examples of ordinary people challenging injustice
  • If it deals with contemporary issues
  • Whether it focuses only on the symptoms of a problem or also considers root causes

Organizations such as See What We See offer critical reviews of childrenā€™s books that make recommendations based on these considerations. Getting the perspective of other educators, librarians, scholars, and writers provides valuable insights about important potential omissions, misrepresentations, or myths in childrenā€™s books.

Social Justice Themes to Explore

Social justice encompasses many topics. Consider the following categories of social justice childrenā€™s books and popular titles in each that are worth checking out.

Educators can use books addressing equity and discrimination as they relate to race, gender, and sexual orientation to teach social studies, human rights, and civil rights. They can also use these books to address bullying and help cultivate more inclusive environments that embrace diversity.

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You, by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi, is a ā€œremixā€ of Kendiā€™s National Book Awardā€“winning Stamped From the Beginning, meant for adolescents. This guide to anti-racism helps young readers understand the role of race in the past and present. It offers ideas about how to confront racist policies and ways teenagers can work against racism in their daily lives and within themselves.

One of a Kind, Like Me/Unico Como Yo, written by Laurin Mayeno and illustrated by Robert Liu-Trujillo, teaches children about gender expression. The bilingual picture book, appropriate for kindergarten through the second grade, tells the story of Danny, a little boy who wants to dress up as a princess for his schoolā€™s parade. With support from his mother, Danny searches for his costume. The book gives students a chance to learn about accepting unique ways others express themselves and unconditional love. It also challenges traditional ideas of gender roles and shows the importance of a supportive community that values everyoneā€™s individuality.

Climate Justice

Books about climate justice offer teachers great opportunities to teach students about environmental science, the natural world, and biology. As students learn about the interconnectedness between living things and the environment, they can also develop a sense of stewardship of the planet.

We Are Water Protectors, written by Carole Lindstrom and illustrated by Michaela Goade, celebrates indigenous-led activism and inspires children to protect the earthā€™s water. The picture book, meant for preschool through first grade students, encourages them to stand up for climate justice. Based on an Ojibwa prophecy, the book tells the story of a young water protector defending earth against a black snake threatening to poison the water. The author includes a pledge to protect the earth for students to sign.

Economic Justice

Books about economic justice serve as an important entry point for educators to teach students about poverty, power relationships in society, and the history of marginalized communities. Learning about economic justice also allows teachers to explore labor movements and collective bargaining.

Joelitoā€™s Big Decision/La Gran DecisiĆ³n de Joelito, written by Ann Berlak and illustrated by Daniel Camacho, is a bilingual book meant for grades one through five. The story gives teachers the chance to introduce ideas about activism and everyoneā€™s role in working toward economic justice. Joselito finds his friend protesting with his parents for higher wages outside the burger shop where Joselito wants to buy a juicy burger. Joselito has to decide if heā€™ll support a meaningful cause or satisfy his craving.

Voting Rights

Books about voting rights can help teachers explore the role voting has played and continues to play in American democracy. These books can help teachers shed a light on how different groups of people have been kept out of power, exploring their struggles and triumphs. They can also provide an important civics lesson about citizensā€™ roles in shaping democracy.

The Voting Booth, written by Brandy Colbert, helps teachers explore everyoneā€™s role in changing the world and the importance of voting in a democracy. Meant for grades seven and up, the story follows Duke and Marva as they confront a series of barriers to voting. The two determined first-time voters track across a city, determined to overcome all the obstacles to having their votes counted.

Develop Curricula That Champion Social Justice

Developing curricula that educate students about key social justice topics not only helps cultivate a more equitable world, it also helps develop more thoughtful and critical minds. Social justice childrenā€™s books serve as an excellent tool to educators hoping to engage their students in meaningful conversations about the world they live in.

Explore how American Universityā€™s Master of Arts in Teaching equips educators with the skills they need to fight for social justice across the curriculum.