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Vivian Maria Vasquez


Professional headshot of AU MAT Faculty member Vivian Maria Vasquez


Dr. Vivian Maria Vasquez is a Professor of Education at American University. She has worked in the field of education for over 30 years. Her research interests are in critical literacy, early literacy and information communication technology. Her publications include eleven books and numerous book chapters and articles in refereed journals. Prior to coming to AU, Dr. Vasquez taught pre-school and public school for 14 years. She has held appointive and elective offices in scholarly organizations including The National Council of Teachers of English, The American Educational Research Association, The International Reading Association and The Whole Language Umbrella. Dr. Vasquezā€™ awards include the prestigious NCTE Outstanding Elementary Educator in the English Language Arts Award (2019), the NCTE Advancement of People of Color Award (2013), the AERA Division B Outstanding Book of the Year Award (2006) and The James N. Britton Award (2005). She was also the first recipient of the AERA Teacher Research SIG Dissertation Award (2004). Most recently the NCTE Early Childhood Assembly honored Dr. Vasquez with a scholarship in her name – The Vivian Vasquez Teacher Scholarship. Dr. Vasquez is host of theĀ CLIP(critical literacy in practice) Podcast. You can find more regarding her work atĀ

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