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A teacher stands in an elementary school classroom holding a folder.
June 10, 2018
How long does it take to become a teacher? Learn more about the steps to become a teacher, educational requirements, relevant skills, and salary information.
A classroom with children seated and smiling at the teacher
June 3, 2018
Almost half of African American, Hispanic, and Native American students in the United States do not graduate high school on time with their classmates.
Infographic of E-Learning for Kids
May 27, 2018
Discover the ways technology in the classroom is fundamentally changing education for teachers, students, and parents.
A teacher and a girl talking in front of a children's classroom
May 24, 2018
Itā€™s been nearly a half-century since President Gerald Ford signed into law a bill that would forever change education in the United States. The groundbreaking law, now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), guarantees that every child with a disability in the country has access to a ā€œfree, appropriate, public education.ā€
A girl in class with her hand raised
May 23, 2018
Good teachers make a tremendous difference in the lives of students. Learn about the qualities that top teachers and students agree top-notch teachers possess.
A woman pointing at a small robot. Four children are smiling and looking at the robot.
May 14, 2018
For years, itā€™s been widely thought that the ticket to professional success was a STEM (science, technology, engineering or mathematics) education. A new approach, however, adds the study of arts to the formula for success and stretches the acronym to STEAM. According to the latest survey results, a STEAM education is proving to be more effective in positioning students for success beyond the classroom.
A man looking confused
May 14, 2018
The teaching profession is in the midst of a shift, thanks to changing technology, policy, and various societal factors, such as growing inequality. One thing hasnā€™t changed: It is a profession of highs and lowsā€”of intensely heartening moments and deeply challenging ones. For many teachers, this intensity is a major part of the appeal. For others, itā€™s reason enough to leave the role.
A military man
May 11, 2018
As a US veteran, you have spent years serving your country and gaining a wealth of knowledge along the way.
A group of adults seated
May 4, 2018
Professional development for teachers is a necessary part of the job. At its best, professional development (PD) helps teachers integrate the newest findings about what works for students, connect with and learn from their peers, and sort through challenges and boost morale.